D I S C O V E R I ES   F O R   T H E   2 1 S T   C E NT U R Y

 A B O U T  U S  

WORLD OF THE FUTURE - "Discoveries For The 21st Century" is being developed by Imagiforce Studios, a division of Imagiforce Corporation.  It is an Interactive world of Television along with streaming media, broadcasting the latest in science and technology, along with special focus on world health and alternative medicine. 

ll entries are handpicked for premium quality, value and convenience by Imagiforce Research. 

ABOUT IMAGIFORCE RESEARCH - a division of of Imagiforce Corporation, is an extensive hands-on research and development environment, based on a professional group with years of experience relating to new products, technology,  business and digital entertainment.

Imagiforce shares its knowledge of new medical case studies, and other industry breakthroughs, accumulated over the years, with instant access to the Imagiforce Digitized Book & Video  Database, so that viewers can see for themselves, excerpts from actual case studies, etc, relating to the subject at hand.  

"How Science Is joining Together To See Light Years Into The Future". In order to make science, new technology and research more engaging and more interactive as technology advances. "World Of The Future" provides special platforms for continuing episodes, for renowned scientists, doctors, reporters and other professionals to come together, as they further investigate mysteries, that have eluded man for centuries.   

Travel through space and time, as Imagiforce shares ifs vast knowledge of many professional's medical case studies and other industry breakthroughs, with instant access to the Imagiforce Digitized Book & Video Database, so viewers can see for themselves, excerpts from actual case studies, etc, relating to the subject at hand.  

How many times have you watched television and noticed important news that goes no further than the headlines. with a short story.  Well that is about to change for you in "World Of The Future". Now you will be able to see the rest of the story on demand.

3MOVIE CHANNEL - 3D VIRTUAL THEATER - "More Choices Entertainment- Higher Learning". 3D Virtual Theater is a part of the New (faimily oriented) "Imagiforce Movie Channel"- movies, documentaries, etc,  that is set to provide  instant access to on-going educational episodes relating to "World Of The Future" special news interests.   

FUTURE EDITION - 3D Experience .....  Immerse yourself in the future, as the lights go down  and the surrounding dimensions virtually disappear, to transport you to new places and discoveries, that will forever change the way you look at the world. Where Human Virtual Agents stand by, ready to provide special interest help, as you move about through the virtual environments. 
World Of The Future - 3D Virtual Agents, are a part of the Imagiforce Virtual Agent Network.

ABOUT IMAGIFORCE- Imagiforce Corporation is a premier organization, heavily involved in business, technology research, education, trade, and digital entertainment. It has produced training tapes for the science, aerospace, medical, defense and chemical industries, and has a proven track record of success in promoting only the highest quality products and services for it’s nationwide and International customers. 

Its relationship with NASA,  US Military, and the Defense Department over the years, as a supplier for its products and services, has helped to bring many new technology breakthroughs to the forefront. 

3D Virtual Theater - "More Choices Entertainment - Higher Learning".-  How many times have you watched television and noticed important news that goes no further than the headlines. with a short story.  Well that is about to change for you in "World Of The Future". Now you will be able to see a continuing rest of the story on demand, in the 3D Virtual Theater. 

3D Virtual Theater is a part of the Imagiforce Movie & Online Television Network, utilizing the latest in streaming media technology. Presenting (family oriented) movies, documentaries, etc, by worldwide independent producers, along with continuing up-to-date educational episodes relating to "World Of The Future" special news interests. 

FUTURE EDITION - 3D Experience ..... Immerse yourself in the future, as the lights go down  and the surrounding dimensions virtually disappear, to transport you to discoveries, that will forever change the way you look at the world. Where Virtual Agents stand by, ready to provide special interest help, as you move about through the virtual environments.  World Of The Future - Virtual Agents, are a part of the Imagiforce Virtual Agent Network.

NOTE - "World Of The Future" is being updated and re-designed, along with new technology applications and live video,  but Navigation may be activated, as new entries open up. Please accept our apologies for any inconveniences, and thank you for visiting "World Of The Future". 

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